May 5th, 2021 is our next youth night with the main topic of prayer.
What is Prayer and what does it do for us?
Prayer is listening and talking to God. When we participate in the Catholic tradition of prayer and pray in order to deepen our knowledge of God’s presence in our lives, we become better moral people and grow in our faith.
But wait, there’s more! There are many types of prayer, both formal and informal, memorized and spontaneous, private and public, meditative and contemplative. The whole mass is prayer. Songs, hymns, and psalms are prayers. We pray with scripture, The Prayer Process or The Examen. We’ll explore a few of these next youth night.
How do you feel you could improve your prayer life and make your faith experience more meaningful?
Try this website for prayer inspiration:
Please share with us your favorite prayers, practices, websites or apps
Take a look at the blog on Prayer lesson summary and online resources for a few of our favorite places to learn more about prayer.