What great attendance at Sunday's faith formation! Marlene said there were nearly 100 people attending. Thank you for helping us form a strong faith community for our kids. We learned a little bit about Abraham and Sarah, and about God's covenant with Abraham. Especially about how his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky, including us! We separated into 2 groups, younger kids and parents watched and discussed the videos, and older kids 6th grade and up joined us with parents and their bibles up in church to read and chat. I forgot to prepare someone ahead of time to pass out the Take-Home family activity to you regarding the star. So not all families received it before they left. I'll attach it below. It's a simple star to cut out and return to us for a display in church
1. Write your your family name on one side.
2. Together as a family, make a list of all the ways that you can think of that you are living as disciples of Christ, and as blessings to one another and the world around you.
3. Write your list on one side of your star.
4. Kids can decorate the name side.
5. Give stars to Faith Formation coordinators by the next session on Feb 5th.
6. We will hang the stars (with family name side showing) where everyone can see them with the quote, “All the families of the earth shall find blessing in you!” (Gen. 12:3), posted above them.
Here are some of the other videos about Covenants and Abraham:
