Step 1: Remind your family: This is the month of praying for the dead, so place a picture of a family member or friend of the family on your home altar/ prayer corner next to your family bible to help remember to pray for them daily. Take a moment to be silent with God together, and say a prayer for your family member and for one another.
Step 2: To prepare for the next gathering:
Read the Second Story of Creation from Genesis 2:4-25.
Bring your bible Nov 27th Attica, we'll start at 9:15 in the Auditorium.
Step 3: Family Dinner Conversation Question: In Genesis it says that God rested on the seventh day. What types of things does your family do on Sundays that help everyone to think about God, keep the day holy and rest.
Step 5: Watch 5 Advent Activities for Catholic Children by A Catholic Mom’s Life
Some Advent Family Giving Ideas:
1. Pray the family Rosary for those who are lonely and have nothing
2. Children can write a love letter to their grandparents
3. Draw pictures for a neighbor
4. Go to adoration as a family
5. Participate in our parish Living Nativity Sat Dec 17th 5:45 -7:30 in Attica
6. Contribute to our parish Christmas Food Baskets
7. Go to confession as a family December 15th 7pm in Attica
8. Pick out toys for children with organizations like Toys for Tots
9. Keep an Advent Prayer Journal
(modified version from Families Forming Disciples Archdiocese of Atlanta)