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Writer's picturemaureengardner

Empowering God's Children Lesson Resources

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

EMPOWEERING GOD’S CHILDREN LESSON FOR THOSE WHO WERE ABSENT OCTOBER 22, 2023 (K to 9th only, confirmation class lesson is forthcoming)

This year’s theme is learning the difference between keeping “unsafe secrets” vs “safe surprises” and what they mean.

§ Options are: Teach a parent-led lesson OR sign the opt-out form that your child will not receive the Empowering God’s Children for the 2023-2024 year. This opt-out form is attached below.

§ If you choose to teach the lesson, there are age appropriate videos to show each age group posted below. There are 3 age group videos. Kindergarten to 5th Grade, 6th Grade to 8th Grade, and 9th to 12 Grades.

§ You must also go over a couple key ideas with your child/ren. Their main focus this year is that unsafe secrets are ones someone asks you to never tell anyone. They could harm someone. A safe surprise is more temporary, like keeping a surprise birthday party a secret for a few hours or days. These surprises bring someone joy.

§ The very young kids’ lesson involves singing a safety song to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb.

§ All the other age groups involve discussing different situations and why they could be either safe or unsafe.

§ You do not have to complete all the scenarios. Just spend 15 or 20 minutes on this. The main idea is to create awareness both for your child/ren and you.

§ You must give Mrs. Marlene Lamparelli the completed and signed Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement form that you either completed the lesson, and which one it was, OR you opted for your child to not be taught the VIRTUS safe environment information.

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