How did your Family Faith Trees come out? In case you missed the lesson, I’ve attached the docs for the trees and leaves and also have printed copies at the rectory.
With this activity, we recalled the history of our faith traditions being passed on to us by family, friends and special encounters and assembled a Faith Family Tree honoring them.
We challenge all families to remember loved ones who have passed on with daily prayers especially during the month of November. It is our duty to pray for those in Purgatory. When they get to Heaven, they will pray for us! One idea is to display a picture(s) of departed loved ones and be reminded of your daily prayer commitment every time you pass by. Or pray as a family at mealtimes or before bed remembering them by name. Research the prayer of St. Gertrude if you need words for a powerful prayer for those in Purgatory.
Remember your Bibles next time as we will be reading from them quite a bit. Volunteer youth greeters are welcome to open doors for folks starting 15 min before mass.
Families absent from our last gathering missed annual Empowering God’s Children training. We are obligated to offer you the opportunity to teach this safety info to your children at home. We had a break out session for the youth for 10 to 20 min depending upon age. Here are similar Parent led age appropriate lessons that include links to the Empowering God’s Children videos. There is a form to sign if you do this at home for us to have on record for diocesan auditing. We also have an opt out form, however we strongly encourage all adults to be aware of this crucial information even if you prefer to sign the opt-out form. See below for all attachments.
Faith Tree print out and questions
This is the tree and leaves you can print and cut out and assemble with names of those whose faith influenced you and your family. Place near family bible or prayer space.
Food Sign Up Link Below for Nov 13 and Future Sessions
Sign up to bring food to the next gatherings here:
Here below are the Parent Led Lessons for Empowering God's Children by age group.
The following is everything you would ever need to know about Safe Environment. It is for any adult responsible for children of all ages in any capacity.
Here is the opt out form to sign and turn in to the office if your child missed the session and you prefer not to teach your child(ren) This particular lesson.