Thanks to all the families for participating in the youth mass and May Crowning! The month of May is dedicated to Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mother of Jesus. We dedicate the whole month because Our Lady deserves more than just a day, but rather a period of days, 30 to be exact, otherwise known as a Tricesium. The month of May is significant because we all generally hope and feel that winter has finally past and the real signs of spring emerge in blooming flowers, budding trees and bright “ Spring Green” colors the grass and forests. It is a most beautiful time of year, one that is symbolic of new life. Mary represents all those great things!
We begin this dedicated month with May crowning, usually a crown of flowers but can also be a precious metal and gem crown as seen in royalty. As we celebrate May Crowning in our worship sites, you are encouraged to crown the Virgin Mary statue or images in your homes and gardens. Recitation of the Rosary, a daily Hail Mary altogether, or exploration of the many titles for The Blessed Mother are ideas to honor Her this month. Studying the images of : The Mystic Rose, Stella Maris, Vessel of Honor, or Our Lady of Fatima, would be a great exercise that incorporates a little research as well. Whatever you choose to do this month, take this opportunity to bring Mary closer to the hearts of your children. Our Lady, Queen of Heaven, pray for us!

Prayers for Motherhood and Mother's Day
From Jesuitresource.org