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May: Virtues: Faith Hope Love (Charity)

Writer's picture: faithjoachimannefaithjoachimanne

I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. John 13:34

We learned a little bit about virtues at faith formation. Virtues help us grow in holiness by helping us make good decisions. There are both theological and cardinal virtues. Today we focused on Faith Hope and Love. We made some Holy Spirit Doves that may be used in altar decorations for Pentecost. We were sure to pray for our nearby Buffalo Jefferson Tops Community folks, living and deceased, suffering from racism, trauma of violence and intentional murder, and that God bring them justice and peace.

VIRTUES are given by God and may be strengthened through practice.

FAITH - Choosing to believe and trust in God and to do God’s will.

HOPE- Believing and trusting if we do God’s will, we will go to heaven, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

LOVE- (aka Charity) Love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves, like Jesus did.

The youngest kids learned God created us to be a HOPEFUL people, leading us to a life full of joy and happiness. They talked about hope by taking a picture walk. They looked at pictures of Noah’s Ark in the storm and under the rainbow, Jesus praying, suffering, and risen outside the tomb, Saint Josephine Bahtika (who was released from slavery in Italy and was full of hope), and Buzz and Woody. After talking about how these people and characters had and shared hope, they drew pictures of their hopes for the world, or wrote and action plan for hope, depending on their age. Some also wrote prayers of hope for our community and the world. Find the worksheets below if you would like to talk about being a hopeful, Easter people, with your child.

Memorizing scripture:

Watch a short video on hope:

Little Lights | Hope Works | CBC Kids When a girl notices a lonely light flashing across the lake, she gathers the neighborhood kids and all the lights they can find, to send back an answer to a boy who needs a friend.

The middle and high school youth focused on the virtue of LOVE, (a.k.a. Charity in religious terms) and the difference between the way society views love and the way Jesus wants us to love. We used John 13: 34-35 to discuss what Jesus means by love. See the homework below to support your 5th -10th grade child(ren)’s formation at home.

Please also find attached below one more faith-at-home resource on discussing Virtues. You and your child(ren) can answer the one or both of the reflection questions, depending upon their age and ability.

Here are the definitions helpful for completing the worksheet below. These are also provided in the Take-Home packets in the back of church if you missed this session.

VIRTUE (THEOLOGICAL) faith , hope and charity (love). These are given by God and may be strengthened through practice.

FAITH - Choosing to believe and trust in God and to do God’s will.

HOPE Believing and trusting if we do God’s will, we will go to heaven, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

LOVE (aka Charity) Love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves, like Jesus did.


Liturgically, we are currently hearing the Acts of the Apostles at mass and soon will hear about the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles at Pentecost. These first followers of Christ were able to perform miracles, like Jesus did, In Christ’s Name. You can watch an animated series On, called The Witnesses, that we recommend for movie night with the kids. (Which you can access free of charge as a member of Ss Joachim and Anne via any digital device). There are 3 ‘episodes’, about an hour long each. Episode 2, ‘Birth of the Early Church’ has many of the stories we are currently hearing about in mass. If you have a smart TV, and high speed internet, you can search for and install the FORMED app which makes the viewing easier.


Our last family mass of the academic year is Sunday, June 5th at 11:00 am. I’ll put together the list of youth participants and contact you soon. Please bring something for a pot luck after mass. We’ll also have some games and activities.

Confirmation mass is Sunday June 26th.

Graduate mass to recognize High School, College, and new this year: 8th grade graduates, is July 17th. Even if they cannot come or do not live in the area, we would like to mention their names and pray for them together as a parish.

May God’s Peace be with you and your families!

Yours in Christ,

Maureen and Marlene



(585) 591-1228

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