Family At-Home Mission Activity
A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace, to help us grow in holiness. Sacraments are mysteries of the New Covenant established by Jesus; they are signs of the sacred action and presence of God in our midst today.
They are more than mere signs, however, for through the sacraments the Lord gives His grace—His divine life—to us.
We are only meeting once in October in the St. Vincent’s Aud and school.
Continue learning at home. Pick some videos and activities here to try.
Step 1: As a family, together, watch one or more of the video links below. (There are so many from the original document, that I did not embed them this time, but they are all linked to open in a new tab/window).
For tweens & teens & parents:
What is the Sacrament of Baptism? TheoMatters
Why Baptizing Your Baby Is the Most Important Thing You Can Do -Fr. Mike Schmitz
Are You a “Child of God”? - Fr. Mike Schmitz
What’s original sin and how do we get it? - Life Teen
Baptism Explained, Video 7: Rite of Baptism - Sophia Institute
Baptism | Catholic Central
For younger children:
Catholic Kids Media - Jesus Gets Baptized?!
Catholic Answers for kids - What is Grace?
Baptism of the Lord My Time with Jesus - Ep. 47 - Original Sin (episode 25 min) : Sign up for FREE as a parishioner of Ss Joachim and Anne Attica to get a free subscription to FORMED, and watch:
Step 2: Find baptism items or sacramental(s) that were received by each family member at his/her Baptism. These could be baptismal candles, or other sacramentals, such as a prayer book, rosary, or crucifix/cross, or even the baptismal clothing and photos. Talk together about their meaning.
Step 3: This is the month of the Rosary (October), so place your family rosary on your home altar or prayer space next to your family bible.
Step 4: On Saturday, October 19th Mass begins at 4:00pm in Varysburg at St. Joseph’s for our annual Outdoor Mass in the pavilion, Potluck Cookout, Bonfire and Rosary. Set up is at 3pm for anyone who can help.
Step 5: On November 1st, All Saints Day, we celebrate and show God that we are grateful for the saints who are in Heaven and for all the help they give us. Say a prayer to the saint with whose name you were baptized, asking him/her to pray for you.
Step 6: On November 2nd, All Souls Day, we pray for our loved ones who have died as well as for all those who are in Purgatory waiting for us to pray for them, so they too can go to Heaven and finally be with God forever! Find a picture of a family member or friend of the family who has died that you would like us all to pray for at our Outdoor Mass and Rosary and on All Soul’s Day, or draw a picture of that person if you don’t have a photo. Place the photo or picture on your home altar/prayer space.
Step 7: Gather in your prayer space as a family. Take a moment to be silent with God together, and say a prayer for your family member or family friend, and for one another. Then end by praying a decade of the Rosary together while meditating on the First Luminous Mystery, The Baptism of Jesus.
The Grace of Baptism: Calling All Godparents (and the whole Church)!
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches not only that our faith must grow after Baptism, but also that we need each other’s help. It especially highlights the important role of parents, godparents, and the whole community of the Church: “For the grace of Baptism to unfold, the parents’ help is important. So too is the role of the godfather and godmother, who must be firm believers, able and ready to help the newly baptized - child or adult-on the road of Christian life. Their task is a truly ecclesial function (officium). The whole ecclesial community bears some responsibility for the development and safeguarding of the grace given at Baptism” (CCC, no. 1255). Take a moment to pray for your godparents. If you are a godparent, pray for your godchild(ren) and reach out soon.