a) This is the month of the Rosary, so place your family rosary and/or your Jesus Is Our Light candle on your home altar next to your family bible.
b) Our next session is October 22nd. Find a picture of a family member or friend of the family who has died that you would like us all to pray for during Week 3’s session on Oct 22nd. Place the photo or picture on your home altar/prayer corner. (This can be the same person that you prayed for last year, or you can add as many people as you want.) Bring the picture to the Week 3 gathering.
d) Be ready to share about who the person is, and why he/she is important to your family. Also, did that special person have a favorite saint? Do you have a favorite saint? Why is that saint your favorite?
e) Optionally Watch some or all of the videos below. Especially ones about 5th Joyful Mystery: The Finding of Jesus in the Temple. For teens there’s also a Catholic Central video on Heaven and Hell.
f) Consider gathering in your prayer space/around your home altar as a family. Take a moment to be silent with God together, and say a prayer for your family member or family friend, and for one another. Then end by praying a decade of the Rosary together while meditating on the Presentation in the Temple.
Or follow along with the podcast below for the whole Rosary: