Hey SSJ&A Families! Community Covid spread is on the down-swing, our precious vulnerable folks are getting scheduled for vaccines, and we’ve got our spring schedule ready, so it’s time to get back together!
First, Join us for our spring (I use this term loosely as I look out the window at piles of snow) kick-off with ‘Sledding Sunday’ at Byrncliff, Feb 28th 1:30 -3:30
SSJ&A will pay the hill pass for all the kids and provide hot chocolate and coffee to all. Let us know via the Flocknote we sent you or message us here so we can give them a numbers estimate. You can always cancel later. We’d rather have too much than too little on hand. Bring your own sled, saucer, snow board or even card board! Find us in the Grill Room / Skier’s Lounge to sign-in and turn in or fill out the required
Next, Father George kindly asks all adults to consider attending the parish Lenten Retreat March 16, 17 & 18 from 6:30 - 8:30 to provide a much needed spiritual journey a boost. It is a large time commitment, however perhaps 1 parent or grandparent per night, sharing information would work better for you.
Spring 2021 Faith Formation Schedule:
We’ve included some First Communion information in the dates below. Their first class will be March 6th, and again they will be excused from attending the Youth nights due to continued social distancing needs.
3/10/21 Youth FF Night 6:30 – 8pm Auditorium Topic : Mass – Liturgy of the Word We will continue to move between the church, gym and perhaps 1 classroom as mini session locations in order to keep groups small and separated
3/21/21 Family Liturgy 11am Mass also Rite of Enrollment for 1st Communion Class
4/15/21 Youth FF Night 6:30 – 8pm Aud Topic : Mass – Liturgy of the Eucharist
4/24/21 Family Liturgy 4:30 Outdoor Varysburg (weather pending)
Family Faith activity afterwards, perhaps with hot dog roast / bonfire? Still too cold?
4/15 the correct date? It is a Thursday. Also, 4/24 is Holy Saturday. Will this be the only mass to celebrate the Easter Vigil?