We will be looking for service project helpers this summer at SSJ&A! We always need help with weeding and planting flowers, and this year, since we've been using those picnic tables so much for our outdoor masses, we are going to clean them up a bit and paint them. Even if it's just the top and the seat, it will be a bit of an improvement and they will be easier to clean up when we want to use them. Would you and your family be interested in helping with this project? Let us know you are interested, and when the weather gets a little warmer and drier, we will give you a jingle or a flocknote to let you know when the festivities will occur. You can always call or text Marlene or me, or call the rectory at 591-1228. There is a spot on the Flcoknote sign up for the brunch to respond for the picnic table project. The link is below. Thank you and hope to see you at brunch!